Connie Butler’s “Grey Whale and Calf”
“Grey Whale and Calf” was moved from a Berkeley foundry to its Main Street location next to Windan Sea by artist Connie Butler in 2006. The community has admired and appreciated the bronze sculpture for ten years, even before the museum, library, land trust gallery, and gardens were completed between 2009 and 2016. The sculpture rests permanently at the site on its concrete pedestal and the Trinidad Museum Society is now the steward of the sculpture.

Within its collection the Trinidad Museum has an artifact that consists of three individual wood pieces that are believed to be the remnants of the original wood cross erected by the Spanish in 1775.

Caleb Whitbeck Painting of Trinidad Bay
Caleb Whitbeck’s 24″ x 36″ enhanced giclee print, “Spanish Discovery of Trindad Bay, California 1775,” is on permanent loan to Trinidad Museum. It is currently on view in the museum’s front entry room.

The printing press on exhibit at the Trinidad Museum once belonged to Augustus William Ericson (1848-1927), a popular photographer and businessman in Humboldt County who lived in Trinidad for a time during the 1870s. Burch Calkins acquired this printing press in order to print and publish Trinidad News and Views from November 1980 to October 1985.

The Fresnel Lens from the Trinidad Lighthouse
The Fresnel Lens on exhibit is a 375 mm. Fifth Order Fresnel drum lens. It had served as the operating lens in the lighthouse from 1947 until 2013 and is on permanent loan to the Trinidad Museum Society from the U.S. Coast Guard.

The redwood canoe in the Trinidad Museum was hand-carved from the trunk of a redwood tree by Axel Lindgren Jr., a prominent and well-loved member of the Trinidad community, and a direct descendant of Charles and Eliza Lindgren. Eliza Lindgren was the last recognized medicine woman of Tsurai village. Axel constructed this canoe to educate the community about Yurok life in Tsurai.

This mural was painted by Susan Morton in the 1980s. It serves as a backdrop for the redwood canoe in the main entry room.

Tsurai Village Diorama
In Memory of Axel Sr. & Georgia Lindgren
Made by Scott Baker, Curator. 2010.
The Tsurai Village was the southernmost village of the Yurok whose territory extended from the Klamath River to Little River.