Trinidad Museum Society (TMS) has been publishing a newsletter since its beginning in 1983. Frequency has varied over time, but a year has not gone by without at least one issue being delivered to members. An index, or more accurately, a table of contents list by issue, was prepared by a student intern in 2012 and this is being updated on a regular basis. Plans are underway to digitize selected issues of the Newsletter. For more information about the Newsletter and to search the “index” see the Newsletters page.
As part of its educational mission, TMS also publishes books. Three facsimile editions of major historical research publications were issued in 1991, 1993 and 1997. With the opening of the new Museum in 2009, TMS arranged for publication of Trinidad, by Dione Armand, in the Arcadia Images of America series. Under the curatorship of Ron Johnson, three catalogs of Native American exhibits have been published. For more information about TMS publications see the Books page.
Current Research – In the Spring 2017 Newsletter TMS President Patti Fleschner contributed “A Story of Diplomacy: Bodega y Quadra and Vancouver Meet in 1792.” A bibliography of her research sources is available here. She also presented “The Friendship of Bodega y Quadra & Vancouver” at the Humboldt County Library for the Humboldt County Historical Society on March 3, 2018, available courtesy of HCHS on YouTube: